

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Resin Casting Tutorial

Now that a mold is finished we need to pour some resin.

Lets make these.

Smooth-Cast 305
Once again this product is mixed at a 1:1 ratio by volume and has little or no odor.

It has a 7 minute pot life and a 30 minute demold time.

I recommend getting some squeeze bottles like restaurants use for condiments to make it easier to pour.

I use Alumilite's Black dye to get a gray resin.  305 is usually bright white.  A few drops in the A side jug and shake till blended. Go slow with this and test until you get a shade you are happy with.

Tools and work area
I use a marble cutting board for any of my messy work.  Hot metal, super glue and resins scrape right off with the razor scraper.

  • Syringe for injecting resin into the mold, or pulling resin through a vent gate.
  • Graduated mixing cups, labeled in CC
  • Mixing Stix
  • Rubber bands to keep molds together
  • Clamp(s) for molds
  • Hard board or plastic card used when clamping the molds.

Clamped Molds
Using a hardboard or thicker plastic card line up the halves and hold them together.  Use rubber bands or clamps.  You have to figure out the right amount of pressure for your mold. Too little and the resin will seep out of the bottom, too much and you will warp and deform the cast.

Mixing and pouring tips

  • Shake both sides of the product to ensure they are fully mixed, especially is you are using a resin dye.
  • Stir the A&B sides well, make sure it is completely mixed.
  • With this mold I was able to pour directly into the main gate, I used the syringe slowly pull resin & air pockets up through the vent channel.
  • Rotate and shake the mold to help free any trapped air pockets.
  • Wear gloves you don't want mixed resin on your hands.

First Cast from these molds
On this pull (that's what a casting is called) you can see the middle claw did not form because there was a small amount of silicon that needed to be removed from the vent.  A few small air bubbles but over all a very nice first pull, means this should be a very good mold.

On this pull we see a few air bubbles and the toe had a trapped air bubble.  Still better than most packaged and sold Finecast.  The toe bubble was solved in future pulls by rotating the mold while the resin was liquid, to allow the air to escape.

The vents on this mold did work right the first time.

With a little work these legs will be usable, a small amount of green stuff and less time than I have spent on most ForgeWorld I have gets a very good set of bug legs.

Hoarding Tyranids

The Great Hoard:
Forge World Beasties 
Armorcast Critters
Chapterhouse spore pods & Dark Arts hive walls


4 Hive Tyrants & 1 Flyrant
5 Original Tyrants being converted/magnetized to be Tyranid Primes or Tyrant Guard & 6 original Tyrant Guards
Tervigons magnetized arms, the tiny termagants are from the epic line and are used as markers for spawning ability

9 Hive Guard
3 Original Lictors
3 Venomthropes
6 Zoanthropes (original)
6 Zoanthropes (2nd gen) & 1 Zoanthrope (3rd gen) Doom of Malan'Tia

3 Pyovores

YMGARL Stealers (12)

39 Warriors (waiting to be magnetized)

Inquisitor Genestealer, used as Broodlord

52 Genestealers

6 Genestealers (Battle for McCragg)

12 Genestealers (current line)

80 Genestealers (purple)
6 Termagants w/Stranglewebs

6 Termagants w/Spike Rifles

6 Termagants w/Fleshborers

60 Termagants w/Devourers

38 Termagants (1st gen plastic)

16 Termagants (current gen)

80 Termagants ( Battle for McCragg)
40 Hormagaunts (original)

72 Hormagaunts 
10 Ripper Swarms (original)

36 Ripper Swarms

Fast Attack
18 Raveners (waiting to be magnetized)

20 Gargoyles

70 Gargoyles

Heavy Support
Carnifex (magnetized)

6 Biovores (1st Gen)

3 Mawloc/Trygon

Man Cave

Man Cave photos:

My miniature gaming cave and hobby workshop

View from the door

Work Station & Bitz Box

Closet and Book shelf

4x8 ft table and terrain

Terrain Shelves

Resin Beasty storage

Messy office desk & SW Legos

Wall storage